New year, new hair! Here are eleven quick and easy hairstyles that you can do in just seconds. Or, okay, maybe minutes. They are perfect for lazy girls like me.
Those simple hairstyles look just as good on that Monday meeting as on a party (with number five being the weird exception).
One of my New Year's resolution for 2018 is to be more creative with my hair. I want to learn new braids and easy ways to update my everyday look. Preferably, the hairstyles have to be simple and easy to copy. That's just what my hairstyles on this list have in common. Nothing requires a lot of time or effort.
Before we get started on how you can update your hair, let me just present some of my essentials.
Some of my must-haves:
- Small clear elastics
- Bobby pins
- Dry shampoo (love this from Maria Nila)
- Strong hold hairspray
- Extensions: At the moment I use nail hair extension (50 cm) from Rapunzel of Sweden in the colors #10, #14/60 and, #T10/60.
Half-up French Braid

To get this half-up french braid look, start near the forehead.
- Take a section of hair and divide it into three sections.
- Next, cross the side strands over the middle.
- Then cross the front strand over the middle, take a section of hair that lines up with the strand and add it into the braid.
- Repeat these steps until you reach the back of the ear.
- Use a small clear elastic to secure the braid.
A quick way to hide the rubber band is to pull the hair below the rubber band, up and through the last “loop” of the braid.
Half-up Dutch Braid

This braid you can quickly make the same way as the one above, with the difference that you cross your hair under rather than from above.
- Cross the left section under the middle, then the right under the left.
- Then add in hair to your braid. When you cross the next section under, pick up hair and combine it with that section.
- Stop adding in hair when you reach your ear level. Braid a little bit more and secure with a small clear elastic.
Messy & Chic Faux Braid
I call this a messy faux braid. When it's done, it kind of looks like a braid – but it's just sections of “looped through” hair.
1. Put your hair up in a low ponytail and secure it with a small elastic. Divide the hair above the elastic into two parts and pull your hair up and through the loop.
2. Repeat step one by adding another elastic, dividing it into two sections and by pulling your hair through the loop.
3. Add some cute beaded bobby pins for a more festive touch.

Beach Waves
My favorite hairstyle of all time is beach waves. It's such a glam and laidback hairstyle that you can style both up and down. I get my everyday curls with this curling iron or my GHD Eclipse styler.
A tip is to take your time and make your curls day one. Use hairspray before, during and after curling and your beach waves will last at least 2-3 days.

Instagram Braid with String Lights

Light up the winter darkness with your hair! This party hairstyle is just intended for a cool Instagram picture or as a fun party trick. I would not recommend having the light strand on for a long time.
But it's a fun idea, right? All you need to do is braid your hair, pull the light strand carefully through your braid (ask a friend to help you out), and hide the control where you can. In your pocket or your bra – you name it!

Half Braided Updo
This half braided updo is also one of my go-to hairstyles. What I love, is that you can update in so many different ways. Just make two regular braids along the side of your head, or do two small waterfall braids, Dutch braids, chain braids or French braids. Everything looks good! If you have a fringe or bangs, you can leave them out or include them in the braid. I've left a few layers out around my face, but it's not necessary.
Secure the braids with a small elastic in the back. If you feel like it, you can make another braid of the hair that's left over and add a cute hair clip to your hairstyle.

Two Messy Fishtail Braids
A great idea between hair washes is to make two easy fishtail braids and put on a cute cap or beanie. To make a fishtail braid:
- Divide your hair into two equal sections.
- Separate a half-inch section of hair from the outside of the left ponytail. Pull this piece across, over to the right ponytail.
- Next, separate a half-inch section of hair from the outside of the right ponytail. Pull this piece across over to the left ponytail.
- Repeat until you run out of hair. Secure with a small clear elastic.
- Pull at the braid to create little stray hairs all over.
If you have to hurry, use more hair for each section.
Simple Khaleesi Inspired Hairstyle
As we are waiting for the last season of Game of Thrones, conquer new hairstyles like Khaleesi! This Khaleesi inspired hairstyle you can easily copy by making two side braids – one below the other. The result is almost like a braided crown.
Decorate with a pretty hair clip, or do as I, and attach a cheap ring with a bobby pin to hide the small elastic.
Faux Waterfall Braid
If you don't feel like doing a real waterfall braid, you can cheat and make a faux waterfall braid. The only thing you need to do is to make two small side braids and secure them in the back with a little elastic. Then take a small strand of hair and pull it through the lower loop of the braid. Repeat so that each loop has a strand of hair going through it.
Easy Bobby Pin Hairstyles
Bobby pins are way too underestimated. Here are three ideas on how you can update your everyday hairstyle in just minutes – by decorating with bobby pins. For a more festive feel, I painted my bobby pins with a glitter nail polish.
Half-up Hair Bow Hairstyle
I'm definitely going to repeat this oldie but goldie for 2018. The half-up hair bow is just so cute!
- Begin by taking one small section of hair from each side of your head. The bigger the sections, the bigger the bow.
- Tie the two sections together with a small elastic. Don’t pull the ends through the elastic the last time.
- Split the loop in half to create two smaller loops.
- Spread out the loop and push it flat against your head into a bow shape. Secure your loops with a bobby pin going from top to bottom and one from bottom to top.
- Pick up the remaining ends of the ponytail …
- … and wrap them up and around the elastic to hide it. Sure with bobby pins underneath.